
Friday, September 1, 2023

Launchpad: Creating a positive company culture - with Dawn Duggan

“Businesses have quite a lot of challenges in making sure they get the culture right.” Dawn Duggan, head of people, skills & talent at GC Business Growth Hub, explains what is meant by company culture.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Unlocking Success Through Mentorship: Insights from Gavin Astley's Mentorship Journey

Gavin Astley, Head of Operations of Carrs Pasties, is a veteran of the iMentor programme (also called the Leadership Hive Mentoring Programme), having been a mentee, along with some of his colleagues, and is now a mentor.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

How to deal with survivor syndrome at work?

When there is a need for headcount reduction, those leaving an organisation are usually considered the ‘unlucky ones'. However, we need to consider the impact on the ‘survivors’. The reality of downsizing is likely to ignite a greater sense of insecurity & fear amongst the team which are remaining.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

How to develop your Employer Branding – 3 areas to make the difference

How can a business present itself as an attractive employer of choice to attract the best people to work for them? Like most things in life, first impressions always count and for a business owner this could be your website, social media - or crucially - what staff say it’s like to work for you.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Power of Diversifying Recruitment : 5 Tips to Build Stronger and More Inclusive Teams

A diverse team brings together different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, fostering innovation, creativity, and, ultimately, business success. However, achieving diversity requires more than just good intentions. It demands a proactive approach to recruitment.

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